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To Foster sustainable development in the agricultural economy


Bringing youth back into an agriculture sector through competitiveness and well-defined (or dignified) commercialized profession


  • Customer Focused
  • Goal Focused
  • Innovation
  • Professionalism
  • Unity
  • Sustainability
Natural Farming

Natural farming embraces sustainable, chemical-free practices, focusing on soil health, biodiversity, and minimal external inputs to foster ecological balance.

Quality Products

Quality products meet high standards, ensuring reliability, performance, and customer satisfaction, often associated with durability and excellence.

Development of Agriculture Ecosystem Through Institutional Value Chain Management

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Implementation of Agriculture Resource Center, Agro Processing Center, Agriculture Market Center, and Agriculture Business Consultation Center (ARC, APC, AMC & ABC).

Promoting a dignified and competitive agriculture business while also attracting young talent to the agriculture sector can be accomplished through the sustainable development of agriculture. Achieving this goal involves the institutionalization of value chain management within the agricultural framework. The effective coordination of various stakeholders plays a pivotal role in the successful establishment of an integrated agricultural value chain. Keeping this imperative in mind, Muktinath Krishi Company has adopted a proactive policy aimed at fostering collaboration between governmental and non-governmental partners. This collaboration is built upon the innovative concept of public-private community partnership (PPCP). Through PPCP, we aim to create a harmonious and mutually beneficial network that brings together diverse stakeholders to enhance the agricultural value chain and, in turn, uplift the entire agriculture sector.

Adoption of Public-Private Community Partnership (PPCP)

Development of Agricultural Ecosystem through Institutional Value Chain Management!
  1. Project development, technology transfer, and marketing-Muktinath Krishi Company and its Subsidiary Companies
  2. Production and primary processing Farmer Groups and Cooperatives
  3. Business facilitation and Partnership Industries, NGOs, and other Organizations
  4. Saving, loan, and Insurance Banks & financial institutions and insurance companies
  5. Policies, Concessions, and Facilitation Programs Government Agency

One local structure, one agricultural project (local government). Contemplation of agriculture in seven provinces, identification of industrial projects (provincial government). Institutional development of the agricultural sector and unified authority give results (central government).

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